Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gym Attire

Ok the gym that I attend is for women only......So just because there are NO men around that doesn't mean that anything goes ya know..This is to the lady that  was doing Zumba in front of me today..Thanks for completely making me forget what the hell I was doing because I was staring at your big fat ass...Now my ass is not perfect ( my husband and many others have told me it is ;) The lady I will call her Moon, had on grey lycra pants, ok that's cool but when your ass looks like someone took a golf ball to it, its not good...If Moon would have worn a longer shirt she would have been good, but no she had a tank top on that was 4 sizes too small, I believe she may have a toddler  at home that she borrowed the shirt from. Her ass looked like the moons surface and I couldn't help but stare at her and it, did she not have a full length mirror to look in before she left the house? I love Zumba and do really well at it except for today, that moon butt had me all off....I would like to giver her a huge thank you shout out though, because since I had to stare at her tail for an whole hour I didn't stop by the fast food restaurant on the way home...

Thank You Moonie!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Actually we had to celebrate my first Mother's Day on Saturday.... M had duty on Sunday so Saturday was dedicated to me ;) We had a great day, went shopping for me even though S got a ton of clothes, I swear I could open a store with all the clothes she has....Her Dad is the worst at throwing items in the shopping cart..So since M had to work me & S went to my Mom's house and celebrated with her..I think they were just happy to see her, you would think I was invisible lol.....

I hoped my Uncle & Aunt would have been home so they could have seen her, but today my cousin graduated from Chapel Hill so they were there....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


What the heck does one do with a 9 month old all day??? I feel like I must be the most boring person to her in the world, and I thought I would totally  be a cool mom..I mean we read, play music, watch some TV, and go to the gym..She loves the people in the daycare, I guess they are much cooler than me...

We did manage to get her 9 month pictures finally taken, after surviving a tornado, then her first cold/ ear infection...The good part is the guy taking the pics was way hot I could barely concentrate lol..M knew this dude was my type, kinda looked like someone from a boy band lol...

Other than that I have been going to the gym, I met with my trainer and she gave me a really good plan...The only bad thing is since working out I have gained some ughhhhhhh.....

Friday, April 29, 2011


I am so damn sick and tired of hearing chainsaws, I swear that's all I hear all day long besides baby S crying so much lately...They are trying to clean up all the debris from the tornado's but I swear in the middle of the night I still hear chainsaws...Its like being stuck in a horror movie waiting for leather face to jump out from a corner doing his chainsaw dance...

Since the storms I have been in such a funk having to drive thru all the devastation....I swear I can't take it anymore..I have to close my eyes when we drive thru the neighborhood because its just so sad,......I haven't been to the gym at all cause I can barely get out of bed..I just wanna move so bad I don't think I can take it..ughhhhh

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Where do I even begin? This has been the most traumatic weekend ever! Saturday we were going to have baby S get her Easter pictures taken.....We were supposed to be there at 4:45 but for some reason we were really antsy and left like an hour early....We got to the mall started doing some shopping and we hear a tornado had leveled the Lowe's in Sanford, and then all the lights go out....People start freaking out and leaving the mall and its  pouring rain and so windy out...I tell M we should stay till it at least stops and then we will leave, S wasn't going to get any pics taken in the dark.....We leave the mall and its nice outside, as we get on the road to go home, its blocked by the cops and all you see are ambulances & fire trucks....At this moment we are told we can't go in the subdivision we have to leave, so we take another road and the scene here is even worse....We pull into a gas station to see what happened, when I see the lady from the tanning salon walking, I ask her what happened and she says a tornado hit and everything is gone....I am like what we live behind there and shes like its all gone..At that moment all I can think about is our dogs, all three of them at home that is if it still there....We finally  say fuck it and start walking that's the only way they will let you in, so here we go me in flip flops, my 9 month old baby and husband along with hundreds of others...Everyone has the look of fear on there faces, my husband said it  reminded him of 9/11....As we get in our neighborhood there are huge trees laying on peoples homes, I just know ours was gonna be bad, I prayed to everyone and thing that I could think of..We got home and we were lucky our home only had a tree land on the garage and a few in the backyard.....The street over and beyond is completely gone...I have never in my life seen anything like it in person, it looks like a bomb hit...You have to drive past this everyday to leave and I don't think my heart can take it...I feel for these people I have no idea what they are feeling but my heart goes out to them....I have no idea how we did not loose everything we had, it hit so close...To see these families gathering there last bit of belongings and having it stacked out by what use to be a from door is just to much...Then you see everyone coming together and helping each other makes you feel hope for human kind, I just wish we could be like this at all times....

Our power has been out since the tornado and we got it back around 6 today (Tuesday)....I am just so lucky that power was the only thing we lost..I also grateful that we weren't in the home when it happened I don't think I could have taken the sounds of trees falling, power lines snapping, and the tornado....

I wanna say how thankful I am to the Police men & women of Fayetteville, the firefighters, the EMT workers, and the electric company.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No G or T today

Well the night before last S decided she wanted to stay up half the night and scream...We ended up putting her in our bed, the problem with that is I never get any sleep when shes in our bed... Then on top of that we were getting up early 8 to go to the gym, but after that sleepless night I just wanted to watch my eyelids and not go to any gym....The alarm went off and M had already put baby S in her bed so when I got up to go to the gym, I went to her room and had to wake her lazy ass up....I told her the night before she needed to sleep or she would regret it lol....It took her like 5 minutes to open her eyes, so I changed her and put her going out clothes on....We actually got to the gym early 8:50 so everything was all good..She did wonderful in the daycare, I was a little worried because she has never really been away from me...When I went in to get her she was chilling with all the other big kids it was so freaking cute....

So its easy to say I was exhausted when we got home, from the gym and not sleeping the night before....You know I am sick when I don't mop/sweep the floors....When M got home all I wanted to do was go take a nap, but I sucked it up and we watched Celebrity Apprentice on DVR,that Gary Busey is a freaking nut job...While watching it though I thought we would never finish it because S loves to talk at the top of lungs when we are watching something...If its a movie we always have to have subtitles or else we end up missing the good parts....So after having to start and pause for like 500 times we finished it and I told M I needed 5 minutes of silence..I went to the bedroom and he fed S her nightly bottle and next thing I know he was in bed with me and said S had already fallen asleep...It was like 9:30 so I was like yeah right she'll be up at 10:30 wide awake, but guess what we never heard a peep out of her till this morning..Me on the other hand didn't get any sleep, I started to get the chills and body aches...M said it was that I was sore from the gym, but I told them this was no gym pain, that I thought I maybe dying. He got me some medicine and I guess soon after I passed out around 3....So dear gym & tanning you will have to wait to another day I am way to tired...