Friday, April 8, 2011

Diarrhea of the fingertips

Ok so I am gonna jump up on my soapbox for a second..Lately it seems like everyone on Facebook thinks it ok to just post whatever..I mean I could careless how many carrots you ate today or however many times your child puked....Some people even put on there that they couldn't afford to pay this bill or that bill..Ok then get the hell off FB playing Farmville and get a damn job...Maybe I just have low budget friends who knows, but I do know many seem to have so much drama to be over the age of 30...I login to to get away from everything and hell they are on there having arguments over silly crap...To get mad over something  a person "types" on a computer is just too damn dumb to me anyway..Its like get a hobby and stop worrying about petty mess...FB should be about connecting with old friends maybe making new ones, not to cause you headaches....So people please stop airing your dirty big girl panties out like that, no one wants to see your skid marks ok....

M got off work early today and we went to our favorite Italian restaurant....S loves the place also because we always have the same waitress who spends oodles of time talking to her....M is obsessed with fish in our old house we have like 4 tanks, since we moved I told him we could only have 2..One for me in the nursery and then one in our bedroom.....So on our outing we had to go to 3 pet stores who all have the same fish but we went to anyway....We were supposed to only be going out to eat and the grocery store so I only bought 1 bottle of formula with us.....At the last pet store I swear it took us over 30 minutes to get his fish, the poor guy helping M was scared to death of the things.....By the time we got in the car from food shopping S was over the entire trip and just wanted to be fed, problem was she already drank the bottle....We were such bad parents that we had no extra food with us so on the 20 minute trip back home (M chose the store farthest away) she screamed the entire time in my ear.....I had a complete headache just wanted M to pull over and let me walk the rest of the way home...This baby chick has a set of lungs on her, when we got home I fed her and she was all good but man was she mad.......Oh lord its after midnight and the chick has risen I better go and see whats the deal.....

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