Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sleep is for wimps

Last night baby S stayed up till 2:30 in the morning crying...I thought I was losing my marbles she started making pooting sounds with her mouth and I couldn't help but laugh, out of sheer madness...M thought I had lost my mind and took S in the living room, I am glad to say that he did get her to go to bed without my help...This is a first and I think we were both surprised and he felt like he had done something major so I let him run with it ;)

So this week I started my Lindsay Brin boot camp DVDs...This chick is awesome, her body is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!She has 2 children and one on the way and I would kill someone to have those abs...Her voice annoys me a bit so I stare at her abs and try to block it all out....The videos are nice because I can workout in 10 minute blocks during the day and baby S doesn't mind too much...If I feel like working out longer I just wait till M get home, but it does take away some of my me time but oh well its so worth it....

Yesterday we started tanning and I felt like a kid in a candy store....I had no idea how much I missed it or how darn pale I am..Yikes standing there putting on the lotion I glanced in the mirror and swore it was a ghost!!! I also had to laugh because in the year that I have stopped tanning I see that Ed Hardy & JWOWW from the Jersey Shore have tanning lotions...I have no idea why I felt it was silly but I just had to point it out to M. I wanna get some color but no Jersey Shore tan ya know...

Till Next Time,,


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